New images from Runaway: A Twist of Fate for PC and Nintendo DS
Our friends over at Focus Home Interactive have sent us some new images and information about the upcoming release of their latest game, Runaway: A Twist of Fate. This title may sound familiar, as we posted about it last year when the trailer first came out.
We now know that the game will be released a little later then first predicted. The PC version is scheduled to arrive in March 2010, while the Nintendo DS version will be coming a month later in April.
For the first time in the series, this game offers players a funny and inventive help system. Presented in the form of the "players in distress" office managed by Joshua, one of the series' crazy characters, players can call for help finding their way through the various puzzles of the game. Joshua's interventions will point the players in the right direction.
They have also dialed up the graphics thanks to a new game engine, which is said to have largely improved things visually. Offering high resolution backgrounds, more detailed characters, livelier animations and more expression during dialogs, it gives gamers the impression that they are watching a great animated movie. Check out some of the new screens below.
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Assassin's Creed 2 PC release date and specs revealed
Better late than never, right?
The release date for the PC version of Assassin's Creed 2 has been revealed to be March 16, and the game will come prepacked with the two DLC's that the console versions are going to get soon. Apparently there is also something special in store for the digital only "Black Edition", but at this point no one seems to know what that special something actually is. I guess we'll have to wait and see. The regular version will retail for $59.99, and the Black Edition will be $64.99
I own the game on Xbox360, but haven't had the time to even touch it yet. Depending on what the special sauce in Black Edition is, it's quite possible that I may even get PC version and play that first. It comes with the DLC after all. But it all depends. If it's some dumb costume for Ezio, then no thank you Ubisoft. I can't actually think of anything meaningful that would be worth the extra dough, so surprise me!
You know, if the special thing would turn out to be a playable demo of Beyond Good & Evil 2, I'd instantly buy the Black Edition. Just saying.
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Trackmania Making Console Debut On the Wii
Trackmania, a fun-filled racing game played by millions of players worldwide, is getting ready to make its big entrance in the console world on the Nintendo Wii. Using your Wiimote and your Nunchuk, your gamepad or your Wii Wheel, pilot racing cars at incredible speeds on spectacular tracks full of ramps, loops, turbo boosts, and other crazy track-blocks. Race on more than 200 tracks divided into six drastically different environments, and numerous game modes!
We have some of the first images available of TrackMania Wii, read on to check them out.
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Final Fantasy 1 and 2 Coming Soon for iPhone and iPod Touch
Over 20 years since the original releases, FINAL FANTASY and FINAL FANTASY II are coming to iPhone / iPod touch! These are the words I found across the latest entry of the Square Enix DLG facebook fan page. It seems the Final Fantasy game line will never rest, as it is again remastered for another device. No word yet if the game itself has been changed or if any new content has been added, but the graphics are fairly top notch. No release date has yet been announced. I've included a few of the posted screenshots below.
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The Steam Holiday Sale has started
Hey hey, just a quick heads up for everyone, The Steam Holiday Sale has started. If you payed attention about a month ago and saw the Early Holiday Sale, then you will know how it works this time as well. There are 5 different deals that change each day, and the countdown timer is also back, so you'll know just how much time you have left to borrow that money from your brother. The sale will last from now through January 3, 2010.
Additionally, throughout the entire sale period, the various packs and some entire publisher catalogs are on sale, from 25% to massive 80% off. So now would be the perfect time to finally get the PC version of Braid if you still haven't, it's like $2.49. In some cases there are multiple deals with these. For example, Eidos has a Collector's pack 50% off, but also individual games 33% off. So if you plan to get a lot of Eidos games, you might be better of getting the pack 50% off, but if you just need that one game, 33% off is the deal for you. That's some high math for you.
So, head over to Steam and check that stuff out, there is just way too many deals to be listed right here, it's just better if you go and have a look see all yourself.
Get your free Christmas presents from Good Old Games
Hey hey hey, I mean, ho ho ho. Just a quick holiday tip for anyone and everyone, Good Old Games is offering you and your friends (tell your friends!) a Tex Murphy 1 + 2 bundle for a slim holiday price of absolutely nothing! So, if you already have a GOG account, just head over here and add the free games to your account. If you don't have an account, just make one and get the games.
You have until December 24 to claim these freebies permanently to your account. I just did, even though I probably won't be playing them any time soon. I got all the other free games from there as well, so why not, right?
I swear there was some other news a few days ago, but I can't seem to remember. There were those Spike's Video Game Awards, and there were some announcements there. Something about some weird guy who likes to dress up as a bat. I just wish I could remember. Maybe I'll write a post about all that stuff when I remember what it was all about.
Gnomes, Goblins and Humans Await ... Emberwind Now Available

Help free the city of Grendale from the evil CandleFinger and his gremlin hordes. The grand city of Grendale is under siege by mischievous hordes of gremlins and only a stubby gnome watchman named Kindle Elderwood can answer the call for a hero. Sail through the clouds on your ancient snow owl and deploy your cane of justice to save the kingdom from the underworld!
Quote: "We're thrilled to be able to launch Emberwind. It has been a long and taxing journey and everyone involved are very proud of the end result. It is a great game and will bring back many fond memories for people that enjoyed the great platformers of the 80's and 90's as well as present a very solid game experience to the younger audience." |
The system requirements for this one are quite modest, and should run on most systems no problem. I haven't had a chance to give this game a try yet, if you have played it feel free to post your opinions in the comments! For more information on the story and game developers, check out their website. 0 Comments
House MD: The Video Game Character Graphics
As I posted a while back, there is a video game being produced for one of my favourite TV shows, House MD. Well, we have some updated information on the game, as well as some character avatars for you to see!
First bit of news is the release dates. The game will be coming to PC and Mac in February 2010, while Nintendo DS players will have to wait a little longer, as the portable version is expected in April 2010.
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Early Holiday sale on Steam
Or as they put it, "A five-day-long, one-day-only sale". Basically, there is a bunch of sales on Steam, starting today an lasting 5 days, where the deals will change each day at 8am PST. As I'm writing this, the deals of today range from a pretty hefty 75% off on GRID, to more modest 25% off on Dragon Age: Origins, with a few absolute steals at 50% off, like Batman: Arkham Asylum which is $24.99 after the 50% has been chopped from the top. That game is pretty badass, so you might want to consider it if you don't have it yet.
Additionally, as if these weren't enough, the various publisher packs are also on sale during this 5 day period. So keep your eye out for those as well.
So all in all, it's a Happy Thanksgiving from Valve and Steam, even if you are not from the United States.
Mass ban of modded Xbox 360 gaming consoles
Things are heating up around here finally. (Except for the forums; they're still dead). If you have a modded Xbox 360, I suggest trying to login...oh probably can't.
This week as many as 600,000 Xbox 360s that were modded were banned from Xbox Live. So far Microsoft won't spill the beans on how they can tell which Xbox 360's were modded. This also coincided with the release of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which was expected to be by far the biggest gaming event of the year.
A self-confessed pirate was disappointed after trying to login to find out he was banned when he got the game (not surprising and not ironic either). However, one banned Xbox owner claims to be targeted by accident. He also had little luck with the customer service. The person claims: "At one point a man who called himself 'Charles' told me that it was my problem and I should learn to follow the rules, then hung up on me."
"All consumers should know that piracy is illegal, and that modifying their Xbox 360 console to play pirated discs, violates the Xbox LIVE terms of use, will void their warranty and result in a ban from Xbox Live," Microsoft said in a statement.
Well since Microsoft is getting very serious now...I suggest not modding a single thing off your Xbox 360. You might think you won't be caught...but I bet most people out of the 600,000 thought that too.