Diablo III's fourth class is a Monk, Tricia Helfer voices Kerrigan in StarCraft II

BlizzCon 2009 has now ended, and I thought I'd post a few interesting bits of news that surfaced from there.

First, the 4th character class for Diablo III was announced, and it's a monk. Of what I have been able to gather from various interviews, the monk is a fighter class (surprise!), faster and more agile than the previously announced barbarian, but probably not as brutally powerful. Apparently the monk was slightly inspired by various fighting games, and has a versatile combo system behind the class, and of course some flashy special moves ranging from some kind of super combos to big area effect moves. All in all, an interesting class.

Another interesting news bit is that Tricia Helfer, perhaps best known as Battlestar Galactica's Cylon model 6, is voicing Kerrigan in StarCraft II. Of what I have seen and heard from various trailers and gameplay videos, the cast in StarCraft II isn't exactly top notch. But on the other hand, for all I know the voices in those are not final. Either way, this news adds some star power to that cast, so maybe more will follow.

Posted in Gaming by Kilu Member on August 23rd 2009 at 9:15am 0 Comments
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