E3 afterthoughts?

It's been silent here since E3, so here's a little filler for the time being.

Firstly, disappointments. I'm really sad for the lack of new Zelda game from Nintendo. Even though Miyamoto said in Q/A later that "The Team" have sat down and thought about how to bring Zelda back and really make it a new game instead of recycling the old stuff again, there is nothing concrete at the moment. I'm just happy if they bring the double hookshot from Twilight Princess back. tongue

Also pretty sad that Ubisoft didn't show anything from Beyond Good & Evil 2 either. I mean, before the show they said that there wouldn't be any mention of it, but I was holding out hope for some huge secret thing. But nothing at all. It's even more sad that we haven't heard anything official in almost a year already, ever since that first teaser was shown at Ubidays. The apparent Jade gameplay video that leaked to the internets still hasn't been confirmed or denied by Ubi, so who knows what that is exactly.

The awesome things from E3. Just Cause 2. The developer gameplay thing that popped into the web around E3 makes the game look and play like pure awesomeness. And it looks over the top ridiculous and fun as hell, what else can you really hope for.

Splinter Cell Conviction, looks like it will be pretty awesome. There is something about how, well, pretty much everything works in the gameplay that makes me want to play that game right now.

Brutal Legend, this just looks so awesome in every way that I can't even begin to put it to words. So I won't even try. Just read up on it everywhere and look at the trailers.

Honorable mentions go to Mass Effect 2, Borderlands, Assassin's Creed 2 (Jesper Kyd is making the music again), Saboteur, Dragon Age: Origins, Alan Wake and Final Fantasy XIII. They all look interesting (especially Borderlands and Alan Wake) but at this point I just have to see more on them.

And that's the things that are on my mind after E3 2009. Back again 2010! Maybe we'll see some BGE2 then! laughing

Posted in Gaming by Kilu Member on June 16th 2009 at 7:40am 0 Comments
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